Sometimes you really have to grin and bare it! (Shup up, you do to)
Lovely, perfect, wonderful Miss Merritt had been sitting on 8 points (one major) for 10 months. She has been hitting a ton of shows since November 1 and FINALLY broke the mark and sits now at 11 points! I can't blame it on anything. It is what it is.
Beautiful, tall, silly Miss Leeloo struggled a bit in Canada but pulled out two good wins this weekend to come away Champion Invictus The Fifth Element!!! Never underestimate a good BITCH........hehehehe I love that word BITCH BITCH BITCH and then BITCH some more.
Handsome, dorky, spoiled Sir Lincoln has held the reserve spot a bit, but now sits at 7 points with a major at 15 months.
Here's Leeloo

Now, on to the FATTIES!!
I am afraid to weigh the puppies tonight. If they gain any more weight.....I may be suspect of the female Mastiff that lives here.....perhaps she is a she-male?
I will be moving the crew from my bedroom out to the living room/kitchen area soon. Geddie is happy to spend time away from them now and I would like to sleep without all the noises. Lick, lick, lick (Geddie cleaning up) suck, suck, suck, moan, moan, squeek, squeek and now the occasionaly BARK! That's right, a couple of the puppies are testing their barking skills. Every now and again I'll hear a THAT is too cute! They don't have teeth yet, I changed their collars for the THIRD TIME yesterday and they actually move off of the blanket to potty on the paper. Such good puppies.
Geddie just came down to the basement to visit me....she says "I would like you to clean the box"
Tootles to All!