First an updates for 5 days? Sorry folks.....busy, busy, busy!
Next, a friend continued to pester me to weigh the puppies. Finally, I relented last night. Well, I suppose the puppy food topped off by Geddie "Whale Milk" Momma is working. I haven't pulled out old puppy weights, but I am going to wager that these puppies rally the weights of the Riley x Abi litter and the Deion x Kinley litter.
drum roll...........................................................
10 POUNDS!!!!!!!!!!!!! 4 weeks 4 days old. The smallest puppy is 8.3 pounds. I love fat puppies, but these guys are just plain big........hardly a fat roll on any of them, just bulk. Here are the two 10 pound boys Mr. Light Green and Mr. Purple. Everyone got real collars last night, they have no trouble wearing them.

Both of these puppies were 15.2 OUNCES when born.........
Remeber that day?

And finally, a Shout Out to Geddie's sister Karma in Canada..........she whelped 8 puppies yesterday! It will be fun to watch the first cousins grow ; )