Who's YOUR AKC/Eukanuba National Champion?
Ours is ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back in 2003 I travelled to Orlando, FL. to compete in the 3rd Annual AKC/Eukanuba Championship with a different Aegis Top Dog! Remember LEROY??? Ch. Aegis Custom Continental, SC. Of course you do! Leroy is a legend........for humping everyone and everything that moved and was within reach of his Left Hook! He won an Award of Excellence that year and I will dig up the picture ; )
This year I travelled to Long Beach, CA. to WATCH another Aegis dog compete in the same great show. This time WINNER, WINNER, WINNER!!!! DING, DING, DING!!!!! GCh. Invictus Nightmare Before Xmas, JC took home the Top Honor of BEST OF BREED!!!
Most of my best Dog Show friends were present to watch and help me cheer on the flawless team, Zero and Juliet! Of course I am a freak and I'm mumbling stupid crap like, "stand up Juliet, don't get in front of him....OMG, he's out front, don't let down, bla, bla, bla...." I am such a dink. She was perfect! Zero was perfect! The day was perfect!
Betty(Erin's Betty), Dan, Lois(Bartok's owners) and I ran across the street to the Irish Pub for lunch, Beer and, of course, Irish Whiskey! I got myself in a bunch of trouble with Juliet for running off, so I had to text Jillyn to go do damage control : )
I had to fill out paperwork about Zero and Ridgebacks in general for the televised version to be aired sometime in January. Also, Zero won $200 for his win! Juliet bought herself a new tack box! Well Deserved!!!!
We went back to the Pub for dinner and more Jameson.....almost missed watching Zero in the Hound Group (what an effing loser mom). Then after lovin' up on my boy and smiling until our faces hurt......we all went back to, YOU GUESSED IT, THE IRISH PUB!
I puked Sunday morning.
Ah, the thrill of victory. I can still hear you screaming, Tamzin! WOOOHOOOO!