Wednesday, August 21 2013
It may not seem to far away, but considering I had to get a passport for the first time in my life.........IT WAS A BIG DEAL! The first week in August, Juliet and I packed my van with Ridgebacks and their pony, Rig the Sussex Spaniel, and headed north to CANADA, eh!
We were so lucky to have been invited to stay at the luxury spread of Petro Haring of Sandstone PWDs just minutes away from the Spruce Meadows Horse facility where the dog show was held. We were fed and pampered and in return we supplied the Calgary/Okotoks mosquitoes with a number of great blood meals. OMG!
Friday started with the Alberta Sporting Hound Assoc. show. We entered Ziggy, Lyla, and Zero. The judge was American Monica Canestrini from Colorado. I was super excited to win Winner's Dog with Ziggy! Juliet won Reserve Winner's Bitch with Lyla and showed Zero to an Award of Merit! If those weren't exciting enough..........ZIGGY WON BEST OF BREED! AHAHAHAHAAAAAA! FABULOUS! And not to let us rest on our laurels, he was awarded a HOUND GROUP 4! This gave Ziggy 5 points towards his Canadian Championship!
Saturday was the Alberta Kennel Club show in the morning AND the CRRC National Specialty in the afternoon. Same three doggies entered and today was LYLA'S DAY!!! She won Winner's Bitch at the AKC show for 5 points under American Judge Jon Cole. Hot Damn!
That afternoon, Ziggy turned up the heat and at the NATIONAL SPECIALTY was awarded Winner's Dog, Best of Winners, AND Award of Merit by Canadian Breeder/Judge Stewart Danker! HE'S ON FIRE! Another 5 points towards his Canadian Championship! His breeders Taryn De Vos(Mission B.C.) and Tamzin Hart (Nova Scotia) were there too! GREAT DAY!
Sunday was a wash for us, but a fun time nonetheless ; )
Monday. Final Day! Ziggy and Lyla entered.
See you next time we are OOT and ABOOT in Canada

Tuesday, November 27 2012
It's been an ENTIRE YEAR since I posted on the Aegis Blog! What the Hey! Lot's of fun has happened! London whelped 10 puppies in May, then finished her AKC Championship in August! Kylie got her act together and finished in Septempber. Julia went to visit her breeder George in Ohio and finished her Championship AND Grand Championship before coming home 2 weeks ago! Oh, WAIT, Ziggy finished Too.... AND Bartley! Shut The Front Door! Who the heck did all this effing work? Well, it sure as heck wasn't me! ok, I did the puppies, but all that showing? Dave and Juliet Clendenon and George Demary! Thanks and congrats to ALL!
So, the main purpose of posting this blog was to BRAG. duh!
The 2012 RRCUS National Specialty took place the week before Thanksgiving in Orlando, Florida. Of course we flew down! I brought Champions Zero and Ziggy, George brought Champion Julia, and Juliet flew in solo to take the reigns!
So, how did it turn out?
First, Ziggy (being a very young guy) showed in 15-20 month Junior Sweeps and took 4th in his class! Second, Zero showed with me (Erin) in the Top 25 Event. I am pretty sure he thought it was a Rodeo, so I took to calling him Ponyboy! What a fun time. Third, Best of Breed Day! Ziggy didn't make any cuts, but did try to sneak in a French Kiss with the judge on the exam. Julia ROCKED IT and made 2 big cuts in the Bitch Specials! Zero made it all the way down to the bitter end and earned an AWARD OF MERIT, again! He moved up 4 spots from last year's National!
So, all in all, 2012 has been another FABULOUS year! I am excited for what 2013 brings to Aegis!
Tuesday, September 13 2011
This year's Rhodesian Ridgeback National Specialty is being held in Rapid City, South Dakota. It was just as far a drive for me as Portland, San Francisco or San Diego......all three of which would have been far more entertaining for me, but 700 miles across the middle of effing nowhere I went. Alone.
back up....
NOT ALONE! I had Juuuuuuliaaaaaa with me! I spread her name out because you don't say her name, you sing it! Really! She loves it and always responds with a big grin and a tail wag. Her name also fits perfectly to the tune of "Hooray for Hollywood" since "Julia" and "Hollywood" both have 3 syllables.
Now some of you simple minded folks may erroneously think I am referring to Juliet. NO. Juliet is my friend and Zero's handler. Julia is my perfect Deion x Reba daughter that I co-own with George Demary of Mutare Ridgebacks in Cincinnati, OH.
Exactly 10 years ago this month and almost to the day, Jillyn and I showed up to the RRCUS National Specialty in Richmond, WA. with our Deion x Kinley puppies. We walked away with RESERVE WINNERS DOG on "Leroy," 3rd place in Bred By with "Sydney" and a 3rd place in Brood Bitch with their mother "Kinley."
The Deion combos we have chosen are proving fruitful again.
I showed "Julia" Mutare's Morning Moon at Aegis in the 15-18 month Junior Bitch class in Sweepstakes and made the final cut of 6 out of 22. She showed like a million bucks. So proud and happy to meet George for the first time!
Unfortunately, I had to return to Salt Lake, Monday, for school. I left my Baby girl with "Juliet" to be shown today in the regular classes.

Monday, March 07 2011
CHEAT!!!!! I mean really, Why not?
When you desperately need to make the grade and everything else you have tried has FAILED, then you just have to resort to cheating. Right? Right?
NOT!! Come on, did you really think I was serious? I am a school teacher for Hell's Sake! Don't make me sick.
So then what am I cryin' about? It doesn't matter, just realize that this is a dog-related web site, so it probably has to do with um, uh, DOGS!!! Meanwhile, check out these fabulous pictures of my ETHICAL HANDLER and FRIEND, Juliet Clendenon. Do you see Your handler in this shot? Then Switch handlers! www.handlingbyjulietanddave.com

 photos by Dr. Roberta Porter, DVM "Ethics is knowing the difference between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." *Potter Stewart, American Judge*
Monday, February 21 2011
I took the time to visit Zero's son today! Bartley is the product of Zero and Ch. Copperidge Spirit In Motion Kamali. He was born August 9, 2010, so he is coming up on 7 months old. His accomplishments to date: Graduate of Puppy Kindergarten! Advanced Counter Surfing Degree! He is an "In Standard" puppy with tons of bone, tons of chest and .......well, just take a look. He is on his way to stardom, for sure! Kamari's Lailaps At Aegis I know he seems big, but he is about 26 inches and 80 pounds. If you own an AEGIS dog you know our dogs are full-sized by 7 months old. It is scary, but they don't get taller. Daddy Zero won a 5 point MAJOR at this age. Bartley, is so untrained for showing......JULIET? HELP?
Not only does Bartley have the shoes of his winning Daddy to fill.....he lives with the family that adored LEROY, Ch. Aegis Custom Continental, SC
Thursday, February 17 2011
Who's YOUR 2011 Westminster Kennel Club Winner????????
DING, DING, DING! Winna, Winna, Winna!
Are you FREAKIN' kidding me? NO, No I am NOT! Our boy, Zero, went to Westminster and brought back the Top Honors! Best of Breed! The entry for Rhodesian Ridgebacks was our largest ever! 56! The judge was Espen Engh from Norway, the weather was delightful, the company was superb and the win? PRICELESS!
Too many people to thank. Just know that we appreciate each and every one of our friends and competitors alike. Nothing like Madison Square Garden and the JUMBOTRON!!! OH Yeah!

Monday, December 06 2010
Who's YOUR AKC/Eukanuba National Champion? Ours is ZERO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Back in 2003 I travelled to Orlando, FL. to compete in the 3rd Annual AKC/Eukanuba Championship with a different Aegis Top Dog! Remember LEROY??? Ch. Aegis Custom Continental, SC. Of course you do! Leroy is a legend........for humping everyone and everything that moved and was within reach of his Left Hook! He won an Award of Excellence that year and I will dig up the picture ; )
This year I travelled to Long Beach, CA. to WATCH another Aegis dog compete in the same great show. This time WINNER, WINNER, WINNER!!!! DING, DING, DING!!!!! GCh. Invictus Nightmare Before Xmas, JC took home the Top Honor of BEST OF BREED!!!
Most of my best Dog Show friends were present to watch and help me cheer on the flawless team, Zero and Juliet! Of course I am a freak and I'm mumbling stupid crap like, "stand up Juliet, don't get in front of him....OMG, he's out front, don't let down, bla, bla, bla...." I am such a dink. She was perfect! Zero was perfect! The day was perfect!
Betty(Erin's Betty), Dan, Lois(Bartok's owners) and I ran across the street to the Irish Pub for lunch, Beer and, of course, Irish Whiskey! I got myself in a bunch of trouble with Juliet for running off, so I had to text Jillyn to go do damage control : ) I had to fill out paperwork about Zero and Ridgebacks in general for the televised version to be aired sometime in January. Also, Zero won $200 for his win! Juliet bought herself a new tack box! Well Deserved!!!!
We went back to the Pub for dinner and more Jameson.....almost missed watching Zero in the Hound Group (what an effing loser mom). Then after lovin' up on my boy and smiling until our faces hurt......we all went back to, YOU GUESSED IT, THE IRISH PUB!
I puked Sunday morning.
Ah, the thrill of victory. I can still hear you screaming, Tamzin! WOOOHOOOO!
Monday, August 16 2010
Have you seen it? Did you look? Do you care?
Zero is the Number 5 Rhodesian Ridgeback in the United States!
To date he has beaten over 350 Ridgebacks to earn this title. Let's do some math (eeeek, I'm an English Teacher). 350 divided by 16 wins is?????.........21 ish.
So he beat 21 ish RR everytime he won.
Here he is in California with Juliet and judge Chuck Trotter.

Friday, June 25 2010
Who's Yer Daddy? Aegis Foolish Pride "Kylie"
